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Reciprocity Guidelines

Reciprocity Guidelines

The University of Dayton School of Law (UDSL) is willing to enter into reciprocal agreements with other ABA accredited law schools for the mutual benefit of their and our students and graduates. In agreeing to this, UDSL expects that its students and graduates will be granted the same services from the other institution. The Career Services Office (CSO) reserves the right to adjust stated policy periodically during the year. The conditions of our reciprocity policy are as follows:

  1. A letter of introduction from the visitor’s law school, written by a career services official, must be received and acknowledged in advance of the individual’s visit. The letter may be sent via email to or faxed to 937-229-4772.  The letter must indicate the visiting person’s name, graduation year, phone number, email address and home address. Additionally, the letter must offer similar services to UDSL graduates.
  2. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday, except holidays. We suggest visitors call 937-229-3215 in advance to ensure the office will be open at the time they plan to visit.
  3. We offer the use of many CSO resources such as access to job postings, reference materials, and career counseling. However, services will not include participation in resume collections, on-campus interviews, programs/workshops, job fairs or blind ad submissions.
  4. Decisions about reciprocity are made on a case-by-case basis and the Director of Career Services reserves the right to refuse to grant reciprocity at any time. Further, reciprocity may be revoked or denied to individuals who misuse our facilities or do not comply with UDSL policies.
  5. Reciprocity with the UDSL Career Services Office will continue for a three-month period as determined by the date of the original letter or email granting services.

Revised August 10, 2023


Career Services Office

Keller Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2772