Be prepared for a successful career in the ever-evolving world of communication.
Our B.A. in communication prepares students for professional careers in a wide range of communication fields: broadcasting, communication management, healthcare administration, journalism and public relations. Our graduates succeed in business, education, government, healthcare, international relations, and social and human services. We also offer graduate studies in business communication and law, and an undergraduate certificate in sport communication.
Prague Study Abroad
During summer 2019, students and faculty from the University of Dayton Department of Communication traveled to Prague, Czech Republic, for a unique study abroad experience. Working with UD alumnus and Hollywood director Jonathan Judge ’93, the students wrote and produced a short film on location in Prague.
Prague Study Abroad
During summer 2019, students and faculty from the University of Dayton Department of Communication traveled to Prague, Czech Republic, for a unique study abroad experience. Working with UD alumnus and Hollywood director Jonathan Judge ’93, the students wrote and produced a short film on location in Prague.

Our mission is to provide students with education in the theory, history, ethics and practice of communication and to prepare them for careers and leadership in a wide variety of professions, depending upon the student's specific interests. The department offers a diverse curriculum that emphasizes the role of highly competent, well-trained and ethically driven communicators.

Students learn about their chosen field of study through hands-on experience, and see how theories discussed in textbooks make daily workplace endeavors effective and efficient.

The University’s student media platforms of television, radio and print equip students with the skills needed for successful careers in the modern media industry.

Our study abroad program is carefully developed to provide students with the most educationally meaningful and culturally embedded experience possible. Courses, locations, and faculty change from year to year.

Communication majors can also participate in professional associations, speech and debate and writing workshops.

The innovative projects showed how students connect ancient wisdom with modern questions across different fields.

Art Jipson's show focuses on local musicians and artists, particularly those from the Dayton area and the University campus.

Marion Pope sought an internship to help build his resume, but his summer in the Dayton Mayor's Office gave him much more.