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International Admission

Intensive English Program

The Intensive English Program (IEP) prepares you to continue in an academic program at either the University of Dayton or another university of your choice. Through a combination of individual attention, intense English language study and immersion in the American culture, you are equipped with the skills needed to be successful in an academic program on an American campus.

The University of Dayton Intensive English Program is an approved member of the American Association of Intensive English Programs. Learn more about program.

You have the option of applying:

  • To only the Intensive English Program
  • For conditional admission to both the Intensive English Program and an academic program at the University of Dayton.

Apply to IEP Only

To apply for the Intensive English Program only, please follow steps below:

  • Please complete the application for the Intensive English program.
  • Please enter your name as listed on your passport. Your surname will be entered in the Last Name field and your complete first name in the First Name field.
  • The Permanent Address should be your home country address.
  • The mailing address is where you currently reside, if different from your permanent address. Please do not list a relative or friend in the mailing address, unless you are physically residing at that location.
  • At this time, we will accept these documents through email. Please email your documents to for processing.

Additional documents required for admission into only the Intensive English Program include:

  • A copy of your passport. You will have the opportunity to upload your passport within the application.
  • Certified bank statement showing sufficient funds to pay the estimated one-year cost. Currently this is $29,750 U.S. dollars based on our 2023-2024 costs.
  • Letter of financial support from your sponsor who submitted the certified bank statement. This signed letter should list this person’s relationship to you and the amount they are able to contribute to your education.
  • If you are sponsored by your government, please submit a Financial Guarantee from your sponsor. This will replace the bank statement and letter of financial support indicated above.
  • If you are currently in the U.S. attending another English Program, you must submit an official transcript or grade history report from that institution.
  • At this time, we will accept these documents through email. Please email your documents to for processing.

  • Fall A: May 1
  • Fall B: May 1
  • Spring A: November 1
  • Spring B: November 1
  • Summer: Case-by-case basis

We will continue to process and accept students after the application deadline based on availability. If the program is full, students will be wait-listed to the next available term.

For questions regarding IEP, please contact

Apply to IEP and an Academic Program

If you are interested in applying to an academic program at the University of Dayton but require English study, you should apply for conditional admission.

An applicant who is academically qualified but does not submit a passing score from a English proficiency exam may be conditionally admitted to the University under an agreement that the student will attend our Intensive English Program (IEP).

The applicant will take a placement test to determine the appropriate level of current English language skills. These students will attend the University of Dayton's Intensive English Program on a full-time basis as a condition of their admission. After successfully completing the Intensive English Program or achieving the required English proficiency score the student will be fully admitted to a University of Dayton undergraduate or graduate program.

To apply for conditional information to a bachelor's degree program, you must fulfill all undergraduate application requirements.

Bachelor's Admission Deadlines

  • Fall: May 1
  • Spring: November 1
  • Summer: Case-by-case basis

We will continue to process complete applications received after the deadline; however, we cannot guarantee an admission decision will be reached in time to begin the desired term. All pending applications will automatically be considered for the next available term.

To apply for conditional information to a master's or doctoral degree program, you must fulfill all graduate application requirements.

Master's/Doctoral Admission Deadlines

Admission deadlines vary by program. Select your intended program and review the admission requirements to find the the admission deadline for your program.


Office of Recruitment and Admission

Albert Emanuel Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2713